Android Applications Downloaded 10 Billion Times

Written By Onepaper on Sunday, December 25, 2011 | 11:30 PM

Android seems increasingly prevail. Reportedly more than 10 billion apps have been downloaded from the Android Market. However, some analysis suggests Google to address the programs that are less good.
Not only is Google’s operating system that is all the more brilliant, but it was interested in the Android Market applications is increasing.
Google will hold the celebration of ’10 billion ‘it for 10 days, and will provide a series of popular programs and provide a cheaper price.
Based on the data, as long as 22 months Android managed to reach 1 billion downloads, but then it only takes a month to increase from 9 billion to 10 billion.
Instead, Apple reaches 1 billion downloads after 9 months. “Apple announced a 15 billion times the download in July, so it is clear that the momentum of Android on the activation device to download applications and explain the use,” said Geoff Blabber, analyst at CCS Insight.
“We expect Android will overtake Apple to download the application in the first half of 2012,” he continued, as reported by the BBC (12/07/2011).
Blabber added, rapid growth has raised the challenge of how to help customers find the software useful of all that is offered.
“This is something that must be considered developers and consumers, but a significant opportunity for anyone who solved the first problem,” he continued.
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